Creative Wellbeing Weekend Workshop Information

All of these incredible tutors are donating their time to our fundraiser. You are in for a real treat!

Affirmation Cards with Ara. Saturday 9.30-12

Positive affirmations help you disrupt negative thinking habits and build a new route in your brain for positive thoughts. Over time positive thought patterns appear, and these positive thoughts affect your actions.

Make your own set of personalised affirmation cards. You will be guided through a process to help you write affirmations that are specific to you and your needs.

You will also be guided in making your affirmation cards using a variety of creative mediums and processes.

No creative experience is necessary.

For more information on Ara’s art and healing see

Native American Drum Journey with Howard. Saturday 12.45-2.15

Howard spent 26 years in the U.S.  While there, he studied with the Lakota tribesmen of South Dakota. He was taught specific Lakota ceremonies and rituals including Sweat Lodge, Vision Quest, and Journeying.

Come hear about his first hand experiences with the Lakota Indians and have your own experience as he takes you on a traditional “journey” accompanied by a Native American buffalo hide hand drum.

Please wear comfortable clothing, bring a blanket and pillow for the drum journey, and be open to all possibilities.

Yoga: Short and Sweet with Johanna. Saturday 2.30-4

Johanna Welzenbach has been teaching yoga for 17 years (both in the U.S. and on Kapiti Coast) and practicing it for over 20. Join her as she gives a brief overview of yoga’s history, philosophy and basic intentions. Then enjoy a winter Solstice-themed yoga practice that includes the practical application of the yogic tools: pranayama (breathing), asana (physical poses), and meditation. Johanna will also work with each individual student’s physical challenges so that they may learn which poses, modifications, and breathwork best suit them. Please bring a yoga mat and blanket.

For more on Johanna see

Therapeutic Writing with Sarah. Sunday 9-10.30

Writing can be an amazing tool to help us gain access to our inner knowledge. Explore how to use writing techniques to process emotions and experiences. 

Bring: Pen and paper/writing book

Creative Arts Therapy with Nicky. Sunday 10.30-12

Welcome to an introductory session of Creative Arts Therapy with Registered Therapist Nicola Campbell. Here we will explore some gentle prompts, beginning with an introduction to FOAT, (Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts) before moving into an extended period of creative expression, or soul collage.  We will wrap up with a closing segment which will allow you to process your expression or share any insights or findings you may have discovered. Hot beverages and biscuits are provided, no artistic experience is necessary!

Sound Healing with Bryony. Sunday 12.45-2.15

Take the time and space that this session offers, for yourself and receive true nourishment.

Bryony from Heartsong Healing is a skilled professional sound healer.  She will use a wide range of uniquely healing sound instruments along with her voice to guide you into peace, relaxation and stillness. The healing vibration of the specially chosen sounds will wash over you bringing deep clearing, balance and alignment, and a feeling of overall wellbeing. 

Please bring comfortable clothes, Yoga mat (I have a few spare to borrow), blanket, cushion, eye pillow or scarf to cover eyes can help you relax (I have these to sell as well for $20).  Please also bring a bottle of water and a journal and pen to write with. Feel free to contact Bryony with any questions beforehand.

For more on Bryony please see

Meditation with Geraldine. Sunday 2.30-3.30

Kia ora, I will provide a brief introduction to the role mindfulness and meditation can play as pillars for our mental emotional and physical health and wellbeing, as well as our growth as human beings. 

Several short guided meditations will be offered to sample some ways shown to build on our self awareness, self acceptance and self compassion. Results of consistent practice are often found to be that we can learn how to live more fully and authentically as our true selves, enjoying a state of feeling present in the moment, gaining confidence and resilience to navigate life’s inevitable ups and downs, internally and externally.